Doctor’s Note
Sometimes, due to certain medical conditions, we’re not able to work for a few days. These instances often require a Sick Note that you have to submit to your employer.
But you may have wondered how to get a doctor’s note without the hassle of setting an appointment and traveling just for a note, especially when you’re sick and don’t want to put in too much effort.
For many people, all this effort isn’t worth getting a sick note, and often impossible as well if their doctor isn’t available.

You’re not the only one facing this dilemma. For many minor medical conditions, patients often choose to go to work than do the effort of getting a note.
However, at MedTell, we’re making it easier. At just $39.99, you can talk to one of our online doctors and get a doctor’s note instantly. All our physicians are certified and highly trained and can diagnose your condition and prescribe relevant medications and refills.
MedTell provides you with the medical treatment you need for minor, common, or urgent medical issues from the comfort of your own home, including a doctor’s note when needed for maximum of two days, including the day of the consultation.
When to Get a Doctor’s Note
You should get a doctor’s note when you have a medical condition that prevents or interferes with your ability to attend work or school for maximum of two days, including the day of the consultation.